One red straw and many cups of milk
Photograph of lots of white cups of milk with only one red straw.

Two home-made cookies and cup of coffee.
This photograph shows the top view of two home-made cookies with the inscription 'coffee' baked into them next to a cup of freshly brewed coffee on a wooden tray. This conceptual image depicts the typical Dutch habit to serve one or more cookies with every cup of coffee. I kept this food image as clean as possible to direct the attention of the viewer to the most important subjects.

Chili pepper hot plate photo.
Chili peppers range from mild to incredibly hot – this conceptual image of sliced chilis is obviously attributed to the hot version! Both plate and cutlery were stamped with the word “hot” while the tablecloth shows the word “hot”. As if that wasn’t hot enough, the knife and fork also show burn marks…

Tea with scones, jam and cream.
Typical English tea on wooden table: tea with scones with jam and cream. The tea was made in a T-shaped bowl, the pickwick tea bag was still infusing when this conceptual image was shot.

PARTY of gummi cola bottles.
The word PARTY made of gummi candy cola bottles. This concept photograph was shot using a home-made lightbox. These photo shoots always make the kids happy.

Dutch bottle scraper - with yoghurt.
Photographic interpretation of a typical Dutch kitchen helper: a genuine bottle scraper, designated to scrape the last content out of bottles or cartons of yoghurt, smoothie or custard.

Four sad looking peas on a fork.
These sad looking peas on a fork depict the surreal sadness of food just before being eaten. In a way food should be happy to be eaten as this is what food is all about… Applying sad looking faces to the peas and pinning them through the head with the tines of a fork added an extra dimension to the image.

Sausage fingers on a grill plate.
When looking quickly at this image, most people just see a hand with a thin thumb. Looking again, the image reveals that these fingers are made of sausages! This concept photo was created by applying some local grill marks on canned sausages (franks) to depict real fingers. To finish it off, I used some tomato ketchup as nail polish. The background of the sausage made hand is a ordinary grill plate.